Spoilers ahead!

the cast

A-Un [阿吽]
Princess Abi [阿毘姫]
Akago [赤子]
Nobunaga Amari [甘利信長]
Ape Demon [ひひの妖怪]
Asano Souju [阿佐野双樹]
Asuka [飛鳥]
Ayame [菖蒲]
Ayumi [あゆみ]
Bankotsu [蛮骨]
Bear Demon [熊妖怪]
Bird of Paradise [極楽鳥]
Bokusen-Oh [朴仙翁]
Botan [牡丹]
Bunza [ブンザ]
Buso [ブン]
Byakko [白虎]
Centipede-Mistress [百足上臈]
Chiyo [千代]
Chokyuukai [猪九戒]
Clay Soldiers [人形兵]
Corpse Crow
Coyote-Demon [山犬妖怪]
Demon Head [鬼の首]
Demon Worm Charmer
Enju [炎珠]
Entei [炎蹄]
Eri [絵理]
Exorcist [祓い屋]
Eye Monster [化け物]
Flat Demon [妖怪平薄平]
Fox Demons [子狐妖怪]
Gakusanjin [岳山人]
Garamaru [蛾羅丸]
Gatenmaru [蛾天丸]
Genbu [玄武]
Ginkotsu [銀骨]
Ginta [銀太]
Gohou / Mew [ごほう]
Goryomaru [御霊丸]
Goshinki [悟心鬼]
Goso [ゴン]
Gozu [牛頭]
Gyuoh [牛王]
Haachi [八衛門狸]
Hair Monster [毛むくじゃらの化け物]
Hakkaku [白角]
Hakudoshi [白童子]
Hakushin [白心上人]
Hell-Painter [紅達]
Sota Higurashi [日暮草太]
Mama Higurashi [ママ]
Kagome Higurashi [日暮かごめ]
Gramps [じいちゃん]
Hijiri-sama [聖様]
Hiten [飛天]
Hitomi [ひとみ]
Hiyoshimaru [日吉丸]
Hojo [北条]
Akitoki Hojo
Hoshiyomi [星黄泉]
Housenki [宝仙鬼]
Housenki’s Son [宝仙鬼の息子]
Satoru Ikeda
Mrs. Ikeda [悟の母]
Mayu Ikeda [真由]
Inuyasha [犬夜叉]
Inuyasha’s mother [犬夜叉の母]
Inuyasha (young)
Inuyasha’s father [犬夜叉の父]
Ippou / Oyabun [いっぽう]
Izumo [出雲]
Jaken [邪見]
Jakotsu [蛇骨]
Jinenji [地念児]
Jippou / Oyabin [じっぽう]
Juromaru [獣郎丸]
Kaede [楓]
Kaede (young) [楓(少女時代)]
Kageromaru [影郎丸]
Hitomi Kagewaki [人見蔭刀]
Kagura [神楽]
Kaijinbo [灰刃坊]
Kanna [神無]
Kanta [甘太]
Karan [夏嵐]
Kasumi Sennin [霞仙人]
Kawaramaru [瓦丸]
Keso [ケン]
Kikyo [桔梗]
Kirara [雲母]
Kisuke [喜助]
Kochou [胡蝶]
Kodoku [蠱毒]
Koga [鋼牙]
Kohaku [琥珀]
Koharu [小春]
Koryu [紅竜]
Koume [こう]
Koyuki [小雪]
Kuroro [クロロ]
Kyokotsu [凶骨]
Lizard Demon [イモリ妖怪]
Manten [満天]
Mantis Mutant
Mezu [馬頭]
Midoriko [翠子]
Mimisenri [耳千里]
Miroku [弥勒]
Miroku (young) [勒 (子供時代)]
Mizuki [みずき]
Momiji [紅葉]
Monkey God [猿神さま]
Moryomaru [魍魎丸]
Motoko [無男]
Mou-mou [猛々]
Mukotsu [霧骨]
Mushin [夢心]
Musou [無双]
Myoga [冥加]
Nanafushi [ナナフシ]
Naraku [奈落]
Nazuna [なずな]
Noh Mask [呪いの能面]
Nushi [主—大ナマズ]
Old man [おじいさん]
Old Woman [おばあさん]
Ongokuki [音獄鬼]
Onigumo [鬼蜘蛛]
Orge [鬼]
Orochidayu [オロチ太夫]
Oyakata [お館様]
Parasite Pupa
Praying Mantis
Princess in the Mist [姫]
Rasetsu no Kansuke [羅刹の勘助]
Rengokuki [煉獄鬼]
Renkotsu [煉骨]
Reverend [開道]
Rin [りん]
Royakan [狼野干]
Ryukotsusei [竜骨精]
Saimyoushou [最猛勝]
Salamander Monster [山椒魚妖怪]
Sango [珊瑚]
Sanpou / Oyapyon [さんぽう]
Sara [娑蘿]
Satsuki [サツキ]
Satsuki’s brother [サツキの兄]
Sayo [小夜]
Seikai [僧]
Seiri [青龍]
Serina [セリナ]
Sesshomaru [殺生丸]
Sha Gojo [沙悟凈]
Shako [シャコ]
Shihou / Myo [しほう]
Shikigami: Snake [式神]
Shima [志麻]
Shinosuke [篠助]
Shinsen Priest [神泉和尚]
Shintarou [新太郎]
Shiori [紫織]
Shippo [七宝]
Shironyuudou [白入道]
Shizu [紫津]
Shoga [生姜]
Shokichi [小吉]
Shouji [唱沈]
Shousuke [小助]
Shunran [春嵐]
Shuran [秋嵐]
Snow Demon [雪妖怪]
Snow Leopard [雪豹]
Son Goku [孙悟空]
Soul Catcher [死魂虫]
Giant Soul Catcher [巨大死魂虫]
Soul Piper [タタリモッケ]
Souten [蒼天]
Spider Head [蜘蛛頭]
Suekichi [末吉]
Suikotsu [睡骨]
Suzaku [朱雀]
Suzuna [スズナ]
Taigokumaru [大獄丸]
Kuranosukea Takeda [武田蔵之介]
Taromaru [太郎丸]
Tekkei [鉄鶏]
Tessu [鉄鼠]
Three-Tailed Kitsune [三尾の狐]
Toad of Tsukumo [九十九の蝦蟇]
Tokajin [桃果人]
Toran [冬嵐]
Totosai [刀々斎]
Tree of Human-faced Fruit [人面果]
Tsubaki [Tsubaki]
Tsubaki (young) [椿]
Tsukiyomi [月黄泉]
Tsukuyomaru [月夜丸]
Princess Tsuyu [露姫]
Un-mother [妖怪無女]
Ungai [雲涯]
Urasue [裏陶]
Wakana [若菜]
Water God (Evil) [ニセ水神]
Water Goddess [女神]
Weasel Demon [[いたち妖怪]
Wolf Demon Elder [長老]
Yuka [由加]
Yuki’s Brother
Yukichi [利吉]
Yura of the Demon-Hair [逆髮の結羅]
Yuuta [勇太]
A-Un [阿吽]

Sesshomaru's two headed horse demon. It was nameless, but was given the name A-Un by Rin in episode 52. 'A' and 'Un' refer to each of the two heads.

Inuyasha’ Jar#66 ·
Weapons / AttacksSpits lightning attack from its mouths.
SightingsEpisodes 34 · 52 · FA.01 · FA.02 ·
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Princess Abi [阿毘姫]

A demon who controls bird demons [妖怪鳥]. They suck the blood of humans to nourish her mother, Tekkei.

Voice ActorSaeko Shimazu
Inuyasha’ Jar#146 ·
Weapons / AttacksUses a trident [三叉戟] made from the bones of Naraku, which is able to create barriers and emit poison gas.
SightingsEpisodes 146 · 149 · 150 · 152 · 153 · 154 · 155 ·
Death noteStruck through the abdomen by Naraku's tentacles when she tried to avenge her mother's death.
Last words“Damn it!”
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Akago [赤子]

One of Naraku's detachments who possesses Naraku’s human heart. However, the part with Onigumo which desires Kikyo is removed, and hence he can't feel pain or sorrow. Knows what people are thinking, can see their weaknesses and able to make people suffer from sorrows and hatred.

Voice ActorAi Kobayashi
Inuyasha’ Jar#125 ·
SightingsEpisodes 123 · 124 · 125 · 126 · 135 · 141 · FA.02 ·
Death noteWas slain into two by Shinsen priest, of which one half became Hakudoshi, and the other with Naraku's heart.
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Nobunaga Amari [甘利信長]

A young man from the Takeda Clan in the land of Kai. He meets Inuyasha, Kagome and Myoga in his journey to rescue Princess Tsuyu. He likes her but Princess Tsuyu is devoted to her husband. Has a funny pet baboon named Hiyoshimaru.

Voice ActorAkira Ishida
Inuyasha’ Jar#8 ·
SightingsEpisodes 8 ·

Such a simpleton but he's not Nobunaga Oda.

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Ape Demon [ひひの妖怪]

A demon who was mistaken to have eaten Kirara. Moves very fast.

Voice Actor
SightingsEpisodes 97 ·
Death noteGrinded by Sango's Hiraikotsu.
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Asano Souju [阿佐野双樹]

The lord of the Asano castle, who was terrified of Sesshomaru's cruelty. He burnt himself with his castle when he was driven insane by his fear.

Voice ActorMasayuki Omoro
SightingsEpisodes 133 · 134 ·
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Asuka [飛鳥]

Kikyo's shikigami (puppets). After she was attacked by the reborn Naraku, and fell into a poison pool, she became very weak and had to use the puppet Hijiri-sama to protect the villagers. Kochou and Asuka accompanies this Hijiri-sama.

Voice ActorKaori Shimizu
Inuyasha’ Jar#150 ·
SightingsEpisodes 150 · 151 · 153 · 158 · 165 ·
NotesMeaning of name: Flying Bird
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Ayame [菖蒲]

A fast and strong-willed girl from the Wolf-Demon Tribe. Koga saved her from the Birds of Paradise once, when she was young. In the drizzle, he told her not to so harsh on herself, and that no matter what happens, he’ll marry her. They then saw a lunar rainbow, which she thought sealed that promise. When she’s older, she came to find Koga to marry him, so that he can help reunite the fighting wolf-demon tribes with his sacred jewel fragments. But Koga has cleanly forgotten about the promise. When he finally remembered, he denied it, saying that he wants a wife who can see the Sacred Jewel. (i.e. Kagome). And off she goes to learn how to see them...

Voice ActorYumi Kakazu
Inuyasha’ Jar#83 ·
Weapons / AttacksMainly uses leaves spun fast enough to cut. The iris flower in her hair also hides a sharp blade.
SightingsEpisodes 83 · 84 · 102 ·
NotesThe meaning of Ayame's Japanese name is literally 'Iris', the flower.
Fanlisting& M O O N F L O W E R - Fanlisting for Ayame
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Ayumi [あゆみ]

Kagome's friend and classmate in present day Japan. The one with long wavy hair. Forms the trio of Kagome's classmates with Eri and Yuki. More hopeful about Kagome's relationship with Inuyasha than the rest. She has a gentle disposition and is good in her studies.

Voice ActorNami Okamoto
Inuyasha’ Jar#160 · #89 ·
SightingsEpisodes 11 · 13 · 20 · 21 · 29 · 38 · 39 · 48 · 57 · 60 · 62 · 69 · 82 · 89 · 90 · 100 · 127 · 128 · 137 · 138 · 140 · 160 · FA.01 ·
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Bankotsu [蛮骨]

The halberd user of the Shichinintai. Out of the seven, the only person who has met Naraku. Not well-versed but makes up for it with his loyalty.

Voice ActorTakeshi Kusao
Inuyasha’ Jar#122 · #110 ·
Weapons / AttacksBanryuu sword [蛮竜], Yuraisen! 龍雷閃 (summon thunder storms) & demon auras.
Sacred Jewel1 in neck initially. The highest no. was 9. (3 in neck, 2 in left hand, 2 in right, 2 in Banryuu).
SightingsEpisodes 109 · 110 · 111 · 112 · 113 · 115 · 116 · 117 · 118 · 120 · 121 · 122 · 123 ·

ou were too greedy, Bankotsu. Your bare hands were strong enough.

I’ll show you what’s different between us. (…) The difference is I would never betray my buddies.

You’re greedy for life. Inuyasha, you are no different from me. There’s that priestess, and you… You guys are around because of your desire to live. We’re not the only evil ones here. Why do you just point fingers at us?

Alright! Suikotsu and Jakotsu, you guys go finish off that guy called Sesshomaru.


Not satisfied? I thought you’d like any guy.

Inuyasha is the only one I like!

It’s definitely an unrequited love. Give it up. I’ll take care of Inuyasha.

I’m not Bankotsu for nothing. I didn’t become the leader of the Shichinintai just for fun! Even before I was revived by the Sacred Jewel fragments, I controlled that group of murderers, with my own capability!!

Death tollKilled Renkotsu ·
Death noteKilled by Inuyasha's Backlash Wave, when Banryuu turned into a demonic sword.
Last words“Why…?”
NotesMeaning of Name: Stubborn Bones
Read: Manga Bankotsu vs. Anime Bankotsu — When Power Upgrades are Taken Too Far
FanlistingMerciless Adversary - Fanlisting for Bankotsu
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Bear Demon [熊妖怪]

A bear demon which was slayed by Sango and the Demon Slayers six years ago at the Asashi Court. Due to the lord's greed, its carcass was not burned as told, but kept and made into commercial products. Its spirit form re-emerged to terrorize the court again.

Voice ActorTadahisa Saizen
SightingsEpisodes 78 ·
Death noteDestroyed by Miroku's sutras
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Bird of Paradise [極楽鳥]

A bulbous round lump with wings, sharp teeth and a half body creature embedded in its forehead. Natural enemies of the Wolf-Demon Tribe. Dwells in groups in the mountains.

Voice ActorTomoyuki Shimura
Inuyasha’ Jar#37 ·
Sacred Jewel1 fragment
SightingsEpisodes 37 · 39 ·
Death noteThe leader annihilated by Inuyasha in episode 37 with Wind Scar, while the minions were slaughtered by the Wolf-Demon Tribe and sucked in by Miroku's Wind Tunnel.
Last words“Now we have two Sacred Jewel fragments! Brother! Power, we'll soon have more power!”
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Bokusen-Oh [朴仙翁]

A 2000 year old magnolia tree. The sheathes of Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga are made from its boughs.

Voice Actor Yasuaki Suzuki
Inuyasha’ Jar#51 ·
SightingsEpisodes 51 · 52 ·
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Botan [牡丹]

Part of a pair of priestesses (the other is Momiji) who trained hard in the art of slaying demons and are Tsubaki's sister disciples. They were tricked by Tsubaki to fight Inu-gang so as to buy her more time. They are rather strong, but are still gigglish young girls at heart. Botan means peony in Japanese. They are native to the anime and doesn't appear in the manga.

Voice ActorChinami Nishimura
Inuyasha’ Jar#63 ·
SightingsEpisodes 63 · 64 ·
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Bunza [ブンザ]

A young mountain cat who 'trained' under Totosai with Inuyasha to break barriers. He wanted to save his village from the demon Nanafushi, and restore his dad's former glory as leader.

Voice ActorJunko Noda
Inuyasha’ Jar#72 ·
SightingsEpisodes 72 ·
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Buso [ブン]

Three monkey spirits who were in charge of taking care of the Spirit Stone of the Monkey God. From the left: Buso [ブン], Keso [ケン] and Goso [ゴン]. Very mischievous, love acorns and forgetful.

Voice ActorYumiko Kobayashi
Inuyasha’ Jar#88 ·
Weapons / AttacksUses illusionary magic like enlarged stones and Spinning Acorn. The three of them can join together to form a long yellow balloon.
SightingsEpisodes 88 ·
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The Higurashi family cat. Fat and funny, and eats almost anything, including a mummified hand of a water imp.

Voice ActorToshihiko Nakajima
SightingsEpisodes 1 · 4 · 11 ·
FanlistingFatty Feline - Fanlisting for Buyo
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Byakko [白虎]

A Younin who is versed in Ninja skills. Also known as Byakko of the Snow, this snow leopard-like demon is part of the four Younins serving Hoshiyomi.

Voice ActorMasahito Kawanago
Weapons / AttacksJaws of Death
SightingsEpisodes 137 · 138 · 139 ·
Death noteKilled by Miroku's Wind Tunnel.
Last words“W… What…?!!”
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Centipede-Mistress [百足上臈]

A huge centipede that has a female torso with six human arms. Was the one to drag Kagome into the Dry Well, after sensing the Sacred Jewel.

Voice ActorRei Igarashi
Weapons / AttacksAnnihilated by Inuyasha's Iron Reaver, Soul-Stealer.
Sacred JewelSwallowed the entire jewel from Kagome.
SightingsEpisodes 1 · 145 · 147 · 148 ·
Last words“You brat!”
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Chiyo [千代]

An orphan who helps out the physician Suikotsu.

Voice ActorSawa Ishige
Inuyasha’ Jar#109 ·
SightingsEpisodes 107 · 108 · 109 · 113 · 115 · 116 ·
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